Fresh 48- Francisco G.


Newborns change a lot.

So much so that almost every moment is worth capturing.

This is why I love photographing Fresh48’s. A fresh48 session is where I come to the hospital the first 48 hours of baby being born and I capture all of their cuteness. Baby is comfortable, safe and undisturbed.

Meet my new nephew Francisco. Aside from his parents, I had the honor of being the first family member to meet him in the hospital and I took advantage of this by doing what I do best: documenting.

I can’t wait to see how Francisco changes as he grows and also how he and Josias will play and interact with each other. My cousins are some of my favorite people in the world, and I know the same is already true for J.

Here are some of my favorite images from this session.



Do you want more information on a Fresh48 session? Feel free to contact me below. I’m here to help.